Shingles on; sofits framed; John starts removing cabinets


Yellow roofing underlayment first, then the new shingles.

Work done today:

  • Robeles - Burke roofing crew arrived about 8:00am. There were 8 - 9 of them.
  • JCJ framed the sofits. 
  • In the evening, we got more cabinets emptied and John started ripping out the cabinets in preparation for the kitchen/living room wall to be demolished. 

Roofers getting their compressor and other gear ready.

10:00am Getting started

2:00pm Back is nearly done. Working on the front.

Roofing materials.

Back of the house is almost done.

Close up of the vents.

Finished roof by Robeles - Burke!

Note the lovely new sofits by JCJ crew.

Neighbor Lisa Murray visited to check out the action.

Debris from tearing out the old ceiling and old insulation.
Old ceiling, starting to come down.

Evening work - John removes cabinets on the wall between kitchen and living room.

Our spaces are changing drastically:
TV room - is now our dining room.

Living room piled with boxes of packed kitchen things.

These walls are about to be demolished.
